Problems with full storage of smartphones, increase it in an easy way

Storage is a common problem for smartphone users nowadays. As the use of smartphones in daily life has increased, so has the storage capacity of phones. As a result, alerts are constantly coming on the phone of storage flowers. This is an annoying situation. The phone is also a very important item for office use at present. Without it, all work will be almost useless. So if your phone has full internal storage, the phone becomes very slow. As a result, the working capacity of the mobile is reduced. Let's find out the easy way to increase the storage of the phone.

If you have a lot of apps on your smartphone and you don't use them, you need to uninstall those less used apps first. This will increase the space of the phone as well as increase the performance of the phone.

If you are using an Android smartphone, go to its settings and clear the cache file. This will also help increase storage and make the phone work faster. You need to do this every day so that the phone can work faster.

If you delete photos or videos one by one due to each of these spaces, you will waste more time. So connect your phone to laptop or desktop and delete unnecessary files at once. This will easily increase the storage of the phone. 

We also save files associated with e-mail on the phone. So it is possible to create a lot of space by deleting these files. You can create more space in the phone by using cloud storage.

If you use an iPhone, you can go to the phone's settings and click on General and then click on 'Storage and iCloud storage', then go to the main storage, here you will see the phone's storage and its section, then you can delete extra files to create space.

If you need extra space in the phone, you can use a micro SD card. Move the necessary and heavy files to the card. As a result you will get more space in the storage of the phone.

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